Wealth Expert and bestselling author Tom Corley grew up in a household familiar with the struggles of poverty. Determined to figure out what wealthy people know that others don’t Tom spent five years studying their habits in an effort to change his life and the lives of others who want more for themselves. His work and his life proves that we have the power to change directions if we’re willing to change our habits. After dedicating five focused years to researching the differences between the rich and the poor, Tom has collected a series of habits that he believes can help shape your future into a more successful one.
If life is a string of choices, then our daily habits play a much larger role in determining our future than we might think. In his book Change Your Habits, Change Your Life, Tom delves into the subconscious realm of how habits work, and offers practical ways that we can implement “rich habits” into our daily routines. Tom reminds us that there isn’t some magic switch we can turn on in order to achieve our dreams; but rather, good habits simply put us on the path of opportunity. We hope you’ll join us to hear how Tom’s story shows us that:
- Success is built one habit at a time.
- The small decisions we make have the ability to slowly re-work our neurological pathways.
- Change is possible when we’re willing to stay at it.
- When we find something we love doing, we’ll be surprised by our own persistence in making it happen.
Show Notes
- Richhabits.net: Learn more about Tom’s work
- Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals: Buy it on Amazon
- Change Your Habits, Change Your Life: Buy it on Amazon
- @RichHabits: Follow Tom on Twitter