Tara Mohr, author of Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead– is here to help us identify the ways that sabotage us in making our own unique and positive difference in the world. Tara is here to remind us that if we want to live a life with no regrets, we have to step into the light. She dispels the myth that success will diminish self-doubt, as our fear is the hitchhiker that will be right there with us along for the ride. So instead of waiting for the exact right conditions before you start testing the waters, the best time to keep moving forward is here and now. Bestselling authors such as Elizabeth Gilbert have praised Tara’s work, and for good reason. As you’ll discover throughout this interview, Tara has translated her passion for empowering women into practical advice and tools that are timely especially today as we are witnessing an overdue shift in our culture towards women.as we are witnessing a shift in our culture. I’m excited to share Tara’s valuable insight on how to stop playing it safe and start playing it big with our one and only life.
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Bob Proctor is widely regarded as one of the living masters and teachers of The Law of Attraction and has worked in the area of mind potential for close to 50 years. He is the best-selling author of “You Were Born Rich,” and has transformed the lives of millions through his books, seminars, courses and personal coaching. He is known as a direct link to the modern science of success, stretching back to Andrew Carnegie, the great financier and philanthropist. Carnegies’s secrets inspired and enthused Napoleon Hill, whose book “Think and Grow Rich,” in turn inspired a whole genre of success philosophy books. Napoleon Hill, in turn, passed the baton on to Early Nightingale who has since placed it in Bob Proctor’s capable hands.” Bob also appeared as one of the lead interviews in the blockbuster hit, “The Secret” and he is here to share his wisdom with us and help us celebrate our 100th interview.
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Sudeep Balain happens to be last year’s most listened to guest and the first time I have brought someone back twice. This time we spoke while he was traveling and if you have yet to meet Sudeep he is hard to forget. When I first had the opportunity to talk with him last fall he had published a book called You are Love, and our conversation was so rich and his journey so interesting that I decided to check in on him again because knowing Sudeep, he would have more insights to share with us. So if you haven’t listened to our first interview please consider doubling back and listening to it for greater context and if not I’m still convinced there may be something for you. In Sudeep’s book he takes us on his journey from a successful, monied career and sixteen year marriage until his world came crumbling down with the news his wife and children were leaving him. The news left him reeling and sent him searching around the world to sit at the feet of spiritual gurus he hoped could help him to find the answers he craved. Instead, Sudeep has become a master of learning the value of sitting with his feelings and the ambiguity that life often has to offer us. Whether or not you have the desire to travel to an ashram in an attempt to uncover life’s meaning, I think we all can relate to Sudeep’s desire to understand his place in the world and to cut through the noise of our lives with our most honest questions.
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Lindsey Jacobellis went to the 2006 Winter Olympics in Torino, Italy as the American snowboarding favorite. After a split second decision on her last jump she walked away as one of the “Unluckiest Olympian’s” ever watched. At the age of 19 she became the target of too many naysayers and critics to count. It didn’t seem to matter that she walked away having won the Silver Medal. Her critics wanted blood and there were more of them than most of us will ever have to face. At last count there were almost 30K articles written about her. It’s been a long road for Lindsey since that day in 2006 and she has learned much about herself and her sport. Along the way she has become the current record holder for the most Gold medals won by any female at the Winter X Games and is once again heading towards the possibility of Olympic Gold. In our interview, Lindsey opens up about how she is facing those literal and figurative mountains again with a newfound mindset: that winning or losing she will not let either define her identity. She is here to remind us that when we learn to live through a loss, we often come out stronger and more prepared to handle a win. Set to compete in the 2018 Pyongyang Winter Olympics as “one of the athletes to watch” all eyes will once again be on Lindsey Jacobellis, however, this time she will be back with a secret weapon—a rooted self-assurance that no medal will ever be able to take away again.
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Kate T. Parker has taken her skill and creativity and blended it to help reshape and expand our culture’s concept of female beauty by empowering girls to believe that real beauty and strength lies in being 100% genuine. Kate’s book, “Strong is the New Pretty,” is a collection of 175 photographs that explore and celebrate beauty based on authenticity. As a mother of daughters herself, this topic is deeply personal for Kate, and as you’ll soon discover, her passion for supporting and empowering girls is an important message… one that all too many brush aside. Alongside the launch of her book, Kate has extended her philanthropic efforts to partner with organizations like Girls on the Run and The Bully Project, investing in girls’ health and education and has also collaborated with brands like Athleta, Kellogg’s and Oxygen. Whether you are a parent of girls or know one this episode is for you. If we want to live in a world where our girls get to play an active role in shaping the future, then we’ve got to begin the work of empowering them now. And Kate’s here to tell us what we can do to join that team.
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Dr. Barry Schwartz, is here to explain why more choices are making us miserable. Contrary to conventional thinking that we can make better choices when we have endless options his 2004 book “The Paradox of Choice,” explains that instead of succumbing to the pressure of needing to make the best decision in every situation he is here to discuss the power of “good enough.” Barry offers us both practical advice on how to navigate a world of endless choice, as well as gives us a fresh take on wisdom for the modern age. If you struggle with making decisions listening to Barry discuss his research and perspective may possibly have you walking away transformed because if “good enough” really does promise less anxiety and a more satisfied existence, then it is an option at least worth considering.
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Bill Hayes will be the first to tell you that when you lose someone dear to you, you learn what it’s like to live with a void. You become familiar with the emptiness of your bed, and you will likely find yourself aching to tell the one you lost something, anything about your day, about your life. No matter how long they’ve been gone, their memory is most often pervasive—their life is still an intimate part of yours. You will probably even find yourself hoping for a sign, even look for some sign that they’re still with you. So how do you go on living when someone you love is no longer physically there to share it with and make life more meaningful? My guest, Bill Hayes, knows the sting of loss very personally. He has lost two partners throughout his life, and as a writer and photographer, he prolifically shares his experience in a way that will likely help others feel less alone in the world. He’s written four books, and is a frequent contributor to the New York Times. He also happens to struggle with insomnia, which he has described in his recent memoir, Insomniac City. Bestselling author Anne Lamott praised Bill’s work as “A beautifully written once-in-a-lifetime book, about love, about life, soul, and the wonderful loving genius Oliver Sacks, and New York, and laughter and all of creation.” As you’ll soon come to discover in our conversation, Bill has a gift for preserving and magnifying the tender details of life in a way that will hopefully make you want to live your own to the fullest, and he possesses a wisdom I’m convinced can only be found in someone who has had to grapple with moving forward in the face of devastating loss.
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Dr. Judson Brewer is someone who has dedicated his career to uncovering the benefits of paying attention, or what is typically known as mindfulness. He is the Director of Research at the Center for Mindfulness and an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine at the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine. In his new book, “The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love – Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits,” he unpacks the science behind the many different kinds of addiction and how we can conquer them. He is an important voice in the relatively young field of mindfulness research because he makes it accessible to all of us, not just those who “meditate.” Mindfulness isn’t one more thing we have to mindful of; rather, If we can stay curious, we can stay mindful. And when we are mindful, we can then remain more present to our one and only precious life.
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Rebekah Gregory has endured a hell many might not recover from. She and her son were standing three feet away from the explosion that rocked the Boston Marathon in 2013. In a moment of sheer terror her life and her sons was changed forever. Many survivors were left to piece together their shattered and disrupted lives that day. As hard to believe as it sounds, Rebekah is one of the survivors who will remind us that the broken pieces we are sometimes dealt can be used to build something even stronger than before. In her new book, “Taking My Life Back,” she describes how she has found a way to be gentle towards herself in her recovery while also pushing forward to offer others hope in the midst of their pain. She shows us that while we might all have difficult chapters in our lives, the story can move forward. And while we might not see or understand how the broken pieces in our lives could possibly fit together again when the pain is overwhelming, she reminds us that there is still hope to be found on the other side of tragedy.
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Lainey Morse knows more than most that finding those peaceful moments where we can heal can be hard to come by. So if you’re someone who looks for ways of finding solace, then chances are our next guest is someone you will want to listen to. Lainey had an idea that went viral. She bought the farm so to speak but in a good decision kind of way. And, the name of her farm “No Regrets” says it all. Lainey’s Farm and idea has gotten lots of attention lately from NPR to the NY Times and word is getting around because she found a creative way to create a uniques place for others to disconnect from their stressful schedules and immerse themselves in nature. Lainey’s idea is yoga with a twist or a hoof–yoga with goats that is–And you’ll soon hear for yourself just how unique that twist actually is. Lainey’s understands firsthand what it feels like to have your world crumble beneath you, and how to dig deep for the tenacity to keep going and she is here to share her back to nature discovery with us. I hope you enjoy this story and country air as much as I did.
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Alyssa Monks has been able to channel her pain and grieving into creating powerful visual art. Her paintings are a unique blend of abstraction and realism, showcasing her gift for conveying the vulnerability of the human experience. She has quickly become one of my favorite artists. Alyssa’s work has been featured in galleries from Manhattan to Germany, and, I think in part because she has found a profoundly personal way to convey the universal experience of loss. While it’s often our knee-jerk reaction to run away from our grieving, imperfection, and pain, Alyssa reminds us that we’re robbing ourselves of some profound inner growth when we do. What she ultimately discovered and now transfers to her work is this astonishing realization that loss is a passageway to an even deeper connection with ourselves and others. Every one of us will experience loss at some point in our lives and we have choices when we do—We can steel ourselves away from those feelings, or we can stay vulnerable and open to what those moments have to teach us. Alyssa and her astonishing body of work are living proof that choosing the latter will take us further faster.
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Adam Grant is a New York Times bestselling author, top TedTalk presenter and organizational psychologist who explores the value and need for thinkers who color outside the lines in his new book, Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World. As you will come to understand throughout this interview, Adam has a way of turning how we typically think on its head; inspiring us to re-imagine what might actually be possible when we champion new ideas rather than squash them. Whether you are a creative thinker who may feel like a misfit or a leader who could use some fresh ideas for empowering your team, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from Adam—who is in my opinion, one of the most important minds in our culture today.
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Celeste Headlee is an award-winning journalist, author, public speaker, and vocalist spreading the timely message of how to have better conversations. She has appeared on NPR, PBS, CNN, and BBC, and if her viral TED Talk, which has been viewed over 6.5 million times, is any indication–we’re all seeking solutions for how to cross the divide to one another. Celeste reminds us that before we can take any first step, we must choose to believe that listening has something to offer us. While it may be easier to surround ourselves only with people who think the way we do, we are actually robbing ourselves of a much deeper understanding and openness when we insulate ourselves. The simple and for some more difficult truth is that if we want to keep growing, we have to keep expanding.If any of this appeals to you you’ve landed on the right episode for you. We hope you will join us to listen in to the wisdom of Celeste Headlee.
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Chalene Johnson is a New York Times bestselling author as well as a well known fitness celebrity. Her notable successes also include a Guinness Book of World Records title for selling the most fitness videos ever–a record 10 million plus DVDs. Beyond the stage lights and upbeat cardio sequences is the compelling story of a woman who loved the idea of helping others feel better about themselves through exercise and along the way became wealthy and successful. You may think that’s the end of the story, however, for Chalene her challenges were just beginning. Tune in to hear how hard work and an emotional openness was a part of what it took to achieve her sweet spot. Chalene believes that if you can achieve your physical goals through emotional willpower imagine what might be possible in other aspects of our lives.
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Adam Galinsky is a Professor and bestselling author at the Columbia Business School, Management Division, and specializes in leadership, negotiation, decision-making, and ethics. He’s also co-author of “Friend and Foe,” which has been praised by the New York Times, The Atlantic, and The Economist. Let’s face it, speaking up can feel risky and we can each find a myriad of reasons not to. In today’s episode Adam presents us with what to think about before we put that proverbial foot in our mouth. He understands from personal experience that hard conversations often take a bit more than blind courage alone. If you have ever hesitated to speak up Adam’s words just might be the assist you’ve been looking for.
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Erin Loechner knows firsthand how the hunger for more can stalk us. She’s familiar with the demands of what is akin to the hustle. How do we unplug when our balance is off? What will an unexamined life of ours be worth or feel like if we just get on the conveyor belt of life and don’t bother to question what we’re doing or where we’re going? If we pay attention, our bodies and our minds will speak to us. We’ll feel something is off and we will get hints we may want to pay attention to. But, how do we listen to the messages we’re being given when we have all of these responsibilities and tasks to accomplish? Erin began listening as many of us do when things begin to fall apart. In her new and aesthetically beautiful book Chasing Slow Erin Loechner describes her journey towards what I call her inner ahhhh…the kind you can sometimes find on a massage table…or even a really good cup of espresso…where she learns to choose to savor the life she’s been given rather than hanging on by a thread. So, let me give you a heads up…before you checkout and think there’s no way you’ll ever be able to leave it all behind for a life on the homestead– let alone create space in your life to pause and reflect, I urge you to reconsider. Erin is here to remind us that chasing slow has nothing to do with learning to cook organic food or living off the grid. Instead, it’s more about pursuing balance first and foremost, and making sure that we have room in our schedules for what’s most important to us.
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Jen Bricker is an author, aerialist, speaker, and State Champion in power tumbling who happened to be born without legs. She was left at a hospital at three months old and adopted into a loving family who believed in “never saying can’t.” While she has had many opportunities to give into what some see as her limitations, she simply didn’t settle for anything less than the potential she knew lived inside of her. Jen knows there is no magic formula for success–you simply have to dig deep inside yourself and do the work. Her story has been featured on 20/20, HBO’s Real Sports, and Good Morning America, and you won’t want to miss hearing about the twists and turns in her life, especially how she discovered that her childhood hero turned out to be her biological sister.
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Beth French is one of the UK’s Top 100 Most Inspirational Women. She is a sage and a swimmer. To say that she is courageous would be an understatement. She has had to overcome numerous challenges throughout her life and continues to push herself to discover the depths of her potential. Imagine the leap from overcoming an illness that left her wheelchair bound to ultimately swimming through freezing and shark-infested waters, Beth French is no stranger to challenges. She understands more than most that we often don’t realize what we are capable of because we don’t believe enough in ourselves. Beth has built a life around pushing the uttermost limits of what is possible for her, and her most recent endeavor has her about to accomplish what has never been done before…swimming what’s called The Ocean’s Seven within the span of a year. Beth also happens to be humble, down to earth and insightful to boot.
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Simon Sinek has the #3 most popular Ted Talk of all time and four bestselling books with deliverables to spare. He is here to share his wisdom, his “why” and how he found his way through his own struggle to the other side. If you have ever felt worried about finding your “why,” or your way through your own challenges I’m confident you will find Simon’s insights right on the money.
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Karan Bajaj is a bestselling author and yogi who travelled half way around the world to find more meaning in his life. He left it all behind after his mother died. The twist in this episode is that he grew up in India and people from his village used to make fun of the kind of people he was becoming. Did he find that meaning he was hoping for? He did, but not in the ways he thought he would. I spoke with him from NYC a few months ago, while he was getting ready to leave everything behind for a second time…only this time he wasn’t headed for an ashram or spiritual journey the likes of which he will talk with us about in this episode. However, I warn you… he may tug at our wanderlust in an effort to find more meaning.
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Pamela Meyer has become the national expert on “Liespotting.” Whether in business, life, or in any of our relationships, a lie can destroy our foundation of trust and leave us skeptical and wary. Our current political climate is a prime example. While most of us are very aware of the importance of telling the truth, we might not always be able to recognize even a big fat lie when we hear one or see one because as much as we want to believe the best about others, the cold hard truth is that we all have the ability to lie in small and large ways. So if the truth is as important to you as it is to me…our next guest is here to share her findings and some tips for us. Bestselling author, Harvard MBA, CEO, entrepreneur, top twenty Ted Talk presenter and speaker Pamela Meyer brings us behind the scenes today on what to look for before we’re left feeling had. Her curiosity about the psychology behind lying eventually led her to write what became the NYT’s bestselling book, “Liespotting,” and she’s here to share not only her story, but also some helpful tips about liespotting and life as we navigate our world and our relationships. Pamela’s story reminds us that even when we feel stuck in life, there are a myriad of practical steps we can take. And, if we’re only open to it… curiosity can be our greatest teacher when we’re willing to pay attention.
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John Chester is an Emmy Award Winning and favorite Oprah Winfrey Filmmaker who left Hollywood to pursue a dream. He and his wife Molly have found that growing food, caring for animals and tending the soil can teach us much about life and what it takes to move forward. If we are willing to put in the work, the hard work in…the fruits of our labor will eventually produce results. John initially stepped out from behind the lens in 2011 when he and his family left the glitz and glamour of Hollywood to risk starting an organic and biodynamic farm north of LA. They call their land Apricot Lane Farms, and if you recognize the name, it’s because John never did completely drop that camera of his…he is one of Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday’s chosen filmmakers and you will see why. John has found and lives the lessons that abound at Apricot Lane and he is here to share some of them with us today…because farmers or not, we’re all growing something in our lives and hopefully all of our crops will come in.
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Joan Barnes–bestselling author, speaker, advisory entrepreneur, and founder of Gymboree, is well-acquainted with the difference between aiming for perfection or choosing to be real–not any California kind of fruits, nuts and flakes kind of real but the cut close to the bone, hard work kind of real. Amidst running what became a billion dollar company, Joan experienced the widening gap between losing touch with herself and her own needs and the demands of a burgeoning business. She learned what it takes to seek out the kind of help she needed…and as a result has become the mentors mentor. In her new book, “Play It Forward,” Joan shows us how to align our inner life with outer success. Learning to step away when you need to and having the courage to disappoint others for the sake of your own personal and mental health are lessons that Joan is now able to pay forward. Gymboree and Joan’s message is timeless—that we aren’t meant to go it alone. Figuring out how to balance both family and a successful career is no easy task; and Joan Barnes is here to tell us how it’s done.
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Susan Bennett is someone that everyone of us knows but we may not know why. She answers our questions, helps us with directions, and when we can’t figure out that song on the radio, she’s there to solve the mystery. While we’re all familiar with Siri, most of us have never met the Oz behind the curtain, so to speak. In this episode, we have the honor of hearing from Susan Bennett–arguably, the world’s most well-recognized voice-over artist. And while her voice is heard all over the world, she opens up to us today about how she’s learned to navigate her career in the entertainment industry as an introvert, and why she decided to go public with the voice we all know. Susan reminds us that we all have our own path to walk, and no one can live our lives for us. The best we can do is be generous with one other and give back in some way because we all have some something in our lives that challenges us.
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Caroline Paul walks the walk in being courageous in her life and in her new bestselling book, “Gutsy Girl.” She “focuses on important life lessons of courage and empowerment, while eschewing talk of fear, caution and failure while deftly combining practical advice with unerring encouragement.” Caroline is here to reclaim bravery as a trait available for both sexes, and not reserved for males alone– while sharing some amazing personal stories of her own that will leave you on the edge of your seat. From climbing the Golden Gate bridge to being one of the first female firefighters to thermal flying through a thundercloud… Caroline lives the message she teaches. Whether you’re a parent of girls, or curious about living a more adventurous story for yourself, you will not want to miss this interview. We can all use a bit more courage because lets face it…fear will always be a part of our lives whether we’re female or male. And as Caroline reminds us, the hopeful truth is that it’s ours for the taking.
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Sudeep Balain ended up learning the lessons he needed to learn about love through divorce. As counterintuitive as it sounds, we often learn our most profound lessons through our failures, even extreme failures and disappointments. At some point each one of us will come to a crossroads in our lives. It’s rare that a single one of us is immune from disappointment, tragedy, failure or even perceived failure. However, we are all given a choice…do we retreat in fear and despair, or slowly start to rebuild and move forward? Sudeep Balain had it all: the secure job, great house in Marin County, CA, and a growing family. But, it all came crumbling down when his wife of sixteen years wanted a divorce. Although life as Sudeep knew it was falling apart he decided on a journey that he ultimately realized he sorely needed. If you wonder about the title or worry that this is some California fruit, nuts and flakes kind of interview you will miss something important. In his book,
You Are Love, Sudeep recounts his travels around the world and his process of beginning to know himself, and how he discovered that at the core of who he is…is simply love. Sudeep reminds us that we can only come face to face with our internal motivations and fears when we take time to pause and recharge away from the noise. And while some might consider self-care or self-discovery a selfish act, it’s actually the most loving thing we can do–because we can only extend generosity and love to others when have taken the time to really know and accept ourselves first.
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Kata Hay understands that if at first we don’t succeed it’s worth trying again. It takes a good kind of inner strength and determination to pick yourself three, four, and even five times. This is where belief comes in…do you believe in what you’re doing? Kata Hay caught the attention of three of the four judges on NBC’s 10th Season of The Voice, after giving an unforgettable performance. And, this was Kata’s fifth attempt at auditioning for the show, and this time she managed to prove that she had become a force to be reckoned with. Kata has been singing for most of her life, and now at twenty-nine, let’s just say that Kata won’t be backing down from her fear anytime soon. She is here to remind us that it’s often the hardest and the darkest right before the dawn of our dreams. And often, what we fear the most is exactly the direction we should be moving towards. I’m confident you will soon understand why Christina Aguillara, Adam Levine, Pharrell Williams and millions more fell in love with her endearing personality and remarkable ability to not back down or change herself for anyone.
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Dr. Andrew Newberg is a prominent neuroscientist, author and researcher who has studied what our brains do with our beliefs, enlightenment and even with God. He will show us that the first step towards true understanding is being willing to acknowledge our biases and predisposed ways of thinking. In other words, there is always another side to hear but we often fail to truly listen because we are afraid that the opposing side might threaten our own viewpoint. Dr. Newberg knows what it looks like to hold ones convictions because he does so with a sense of openness and compassionate curiosity. He is a pioneer who has taken on neuroscience and theology–two fields that at first glance, seem more opposed than interconnected– and helps us to make sense of exactly what our brains experience in the process.
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Dr. Glen Gabbard is a renowned psychiatrist and psychiatric educator whose research has been invaluable in the mental health field and elsewhere. An abuse of power can happen at work, in the church or any institute or organization that runs hierarchically. His message is for all of us, because the moment anyone believes they are infallible they are bound to make mistakes. At its best, the relationship between a patient and psychotherapist should be a safe place where learning, personal growth and healing can happen. In some ways we could say something similar about working for a company where we have a manager who supervises our successes and/or our failures. That is why Dr. Glen Gabbard’s research, counsel and writing about blurred boundaries is so important in our every day lives.
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Dr. Amy Cuddy is a Harvard Professor, Researcher, Author and Social Scientist. In 2012, she graced the Ted Talk stage and became one of their top two all time favorite presenters by discussing how nonverbal behavior and snap judgments can affect us from the classroom to the boardroom. Millions of us–nearly 34 million to be exact– sat up and listened. She has expounded upon that Ted talk and turned it into her new bestselling book called “Presence.” Amy Cuddy is doing meaningful work by showing us what authentic presence really means and she is touching a nerve around the world with her research and her new book. Rather than trying to protect how we are perceived, Amy advocates that we tap into our vulnerability by letting our true selves be seen. While it might seem easier in the moment to shrink back and avoid the risk of being seen, we will ultimately miss out on the deep sense of connection and satisfaction that comes from being authentic.
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Angie Keilhauer is going places and she wants you to come along. As you will hear if you listen to this episode Angie has both grit and talent, and is well on her way to making her mark in the music industry. Long before appearing on the most recent season of NBC’s wildly popular show “The Voice,” Angie was playing in local bars, cruise ships, and pretty much anywhere that she could perfect her craft. She was also rejected from “The Voice” three times before having this final opportunity. Many of us would have already given up by then. What allows one person to continue to take risks? As you will hear, Angie Keilhauer possesses wisdom far beyond her years. You will probably hear it in her singing voice as well: there is a maturity and soul that has kept her persevering and continuing to say yes to the opportunities that have come and will continue to come her way. Angie’s story reminds us that in order to fulfill our dreams, we must be committed even when no one is watching, and when we love what we do in life it not only shows…people will often want to be around us.
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Shannon Huffman Polson not only knows what grit is, she has lived it. Shannon is now highlighting stories of bravery and resilience in the lives of other women in her Grit Project. As a native Alaskan, Shannon has always been drawn to adventure and the road less traveled. Whether it was venturing far from home to attend Duke University, or joining the army and being one of the first women to fly a military helicopter, she has dared greatly throughout her life. Shannon understands first-hand that just as there are moments of thrill and anticipation, there will also be loss and sorrow. Grappling with the tragic death of her father and step mother, Shannon embarked on a personal pilgrimage to make peace with her loss that she documented in her book “North of Hope.” As you will soon hear for yourself, Shannon is someone who is shows up for life with a full heart–even during the difficult times. She has come to intuitively understand that hardship is often the birthplace for grit.
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Karen Thompson Walker believes that fear is here to teach us. We often think of fear as something to avoid, but what if we could learn to view fear as a kind of harbinger to creativity and risk? Meaning, fear will almost always be partnered with the two. I’m not talking about things we should be afraid of such as putting ourselves in harm’s way like walking down a dark and dangerous street late at night. I’m talking about something else: the kind of necessary fear we encounter when we try something new or challenge ourselves to be more, better, and even the best version of who we are. My guest today is the bestselling author Karen Thompson Walker, who is here to show us how fear can actually propel our imagination, as it forces us to imagine a different, possible future and how to cope with the fear that instills in us. In her own creative life, Karen has not only embraced her fear, but she’s even allowed it to inspire her recent New York Times bestseller, “The Age of Miracles.” And in her popular TED Talk “What Fear Can Teach Us,” she explores the wisdom to be gained from fear. I’m not talking about the irrational kind, but the kind that acts as guardrails or warning signals as we find our way through the world. Whether or not you consider yourself a creative person, we have all experienced a resistance to fear in our lives in one way or another. And as the old saying goes, if we can’t go around it, we must go through it. Maybe creativity and fear are “conjoined twins”–like Elizabeth Gilbert suggests–so you can’t have one without the other. Maybe the point is…if we spend all of our energy trying to become fearless, we will miss the lesson of what our fear has to teach us. Anyone of us who is willing to move beyond their comfort zone will certainly feel it. Karen is doing meaningful work in revealing fear’s surprising wisdom, and we now have the opportunity to hear more about her unique perspective.
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Tom Corley believes that our daily habits play a much larger role in success than we might have previously understood. Tom grew up in a household that became familiar with the struggles of poverty. After dedicating three very focused years to researching the differences between the rich and the poor, Tom Corley has collected a series of habits that he believes can help shape our future into a more successful one. In his book “Change Your Habits, Change Your Life” he delves into the subconscious realm of how habits work, and offers practical ways that we can implement rich habits into our daily routines. Tom reminds us that good habits put us on the path of opportunity, and that when you find something you truly love, you will be surprised by your own persistence in making it happen. And, as Tom believes…if you change your habits, you will ultimately change your life.
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Adam Steltzner went from being described (by New Yorker Magazine) “as a dropout and small town playboy with few skills and fewer prospects” to someone who made history. This episode is about how Adam took that kind of history and made history. And, not only history, but history that each and every one of us followed in the news. If you ever wondered how the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab successfully landed a 2,000 pound, 2 and a half billion dollar Curiosity Rover on the surface of Mars a very special historian is here to enlighten us and teach us that we can be called many names in life, and we always have the ability to prove others wrong. Adam Steltzner is the lead NASA Engineer and manager for entry, descent and landing on Mars. He has also written a book about this experience and his own entitled, The Right Kind of Crazy,” and we are lucky enough to have him tell us all about what it takes to make our passion(s) a reality.
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Trina Laughlin has been a clinical social worker for twenty plus years specializing in trauma therapy. She specializes in helping others find their way from the darkness of loss to what can feel like rays of hope. And, here’s the thing about Trina…trauma isn’t something she studies from afar–she’s lived it, too. Back in 2007, two days before Christmas, her twenty two year-old son died unexpectedly. In order to process and cope with her loss, she began writing about the many layers of her grief, the unspeakable emotion of it all–and her writing eventually became a book that she calls, “Season of the Fallen Sun.” Trina reminds us that there is hope beyond even the most excruciating emotional pain, and that we need other people to help put us back together when our lives feel shattered. Trina is a powerful reminder that when we try to shut off or shut down our pain, we end up closing off our capacity to experience joy as well.
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Dr.Ron Friedman is considered an expert in human motivation, and his research lends us some helpful answers to what motivates us and what keeps us engaged. In his book,
The Best Place to Work, he offers insightful suggestions about how to improve our workplaces by appealing to our psychological needs of competence, relatedness, and autonomy. And you may be surprised to know that most of the changes Ron suggests have little to do with money. Ron believes that our workplaces could change for the better if only we learned how to better value human connection and accountability, as well as allow for the integration of work and our outside of work life rather than trying so hard to keep them separate. Ron offers practical tips you might end up using yourself… such as holding walking meetings, putting a window in your office, making time for exercise, and introducing your co-workers by describing who they are outside of work rather than just reciting their job description. If you feel like you are just barely getting by and are struggling to find motivation in the mundane, I’m confident that Ron’s findings will inspire you and spark some ideas about how to keep work and ultimately your life more interesting.
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Coach Reed believes that “progress hinges on the gap between who will talk in private and who will act in public.” Of all the quotes that runs through his head, that is the one that really resonates. It has become his morning mantra, because “until we act, every thing we do in private makes no change in the world.” Coach Reed is a Sports Coach with a message for all of us…and, if you think this is a message for athletes alone you will be missing out. He has a unique perspective that is not only refreshing, but in my opinion… needed. As a coach for 20 plus years, he is passionate about many things and one in particular…and this is one I can get behind…Coach Reed is all about developing confidence in his players, rather than controlling them with fear. As the Executive Director of STAR Soccer Club- a 500 player club in Cincinnati, Ohio, and a Ted Talk alumni Coach Reed isn’t “just” about coaching kids. He also trains parents, coaches, and sports leaders alike on cultivating healthy communication in competitive environments. I think you hopefully agree that we need more kindness in our lives and in our world…perhaps of late especially in the political arena especially. As we’ll learn in this interview… kindness is not weak; instead, it requires the strongest kind of discipline we have to give. And really listening to another human being is a skill that takes time and commitment to develop. Like the saying goes: “be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”
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Barbara Jenkins is a bestselling co-author and traveler who received the attention of National Geographic Magazine with a cross country trek she took with her ex husband back in the 70’s. Don’t be fooled. This woman is a vibrant today as she was back then. Barbara is a natural born storyteller who is all about the power of saying “yes” and she joins us today with wisdom to spare. When adventure came knocking, Barbara Jenkins answered. And it wasn’t just any adventure–but one that would take her on a walk across America and change the trajectory of her life forever. Some of you may be familiar with the New York Times best-sellers
Walk Across America and
The Walk West, written by Barbara and her then-husband, Peter Jenkins. In today’s interview, we get a glimpse behind the curtain into the story behind the stories, and the wisdom that Barbara has gathered along the way. Barbara has faced numerous challenges throughout her life: being hit by a car, walking pregnant across a mountain range in a blizzard, and then eventually raising three children as a single parent while simultaneously navigating a writing career on her own. Barbara’s story of resilience, extraordinary adventure, empowerment, and perseverance is a reminder that struggle is essential to growth. That even after one door closes, another door will open in due time if you’re willing to keep your head up and keep doing the work.
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Richard McCann is living proof that our stories aren’t over even after the darkest of tragedies. He was only five years old when his mother was murdered by a serial killer. While it’s hard to comprehend this type of devastating loss, Richard has somehow managed to keep his heart so open that he has become an inspiration to others and a well sought after motivational speaker. His journey has been a profound one taking him down roads that we might never have taken but we can certainly learn from his choices and lessons learned. His most profound lesson to date has been to choose forgiveness. Richard understands that when we share even our most painful stories, we have the opportunity to learn what it means to live with an open heart.
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Jim Riviello is a business growth expert who reminds us that focusing on the next three steps in front of us will slow us down long enough so we won’t feel overwhelmed. If we are successful in business but our children, spouses or employees want little to do with us then we have not achieved true success. If we don’t take the time to find out who we are it’s unlikely that anyone else will ever really know us either. Jim emphasizes that while planning for our future is important and necessary for achieving our goals it is also important to slow ourselves down and liv in the present. Nothing meaningful ever comes easy, and that includes personal growth. Honoring our journey, or what I call the process, is just as important as getting there. One can often preclude the other so it’s especially important to accomplish both.
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Brigadier General, Dr. Rhonda Cornum is tough and gentle. I find the two are often a package deal. In today’s interview with Brigadier General and Physician Rhonda Cornum, we will learn that resilience can be taught, learned and even mastered. However, here is the best part…whether you are a civilian or in the military or even feel like the walking wounded today’s episode is for you. After surviving a helicopter crash while on a rescue mission during the first Iraq war General Cornum was then taken prisoner. if that isn’t a petri dish to test one’s resilience, I don’t know what is. Gen. Cornum is well acquainted with the double-edged sword of hardship, but as you will soon learn, she is also adamant about not being defined by those experiences… except in terms of lessons learned. When Dr. Cornum returned back to the States after being rescued, people were often confused when she would explain that instead of experiencing PTSD, she felt stronger because of her experience. As Dr. Michaela Haas notes in her book Bouncing Forward, in the early 1990s, the term “post traumatic growth” had not yet been discovered. Instead of blindly accepting what some consider constricting labels that trauma survivors are given, Dr. Cornum focused on re-claiming the agency over what she could control. Before she retired from the military, Dr. Cornum developed the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program, which not only helps boost resilience in troops, but can help all of us in everyday life. Rhonda’s story is a reminder that the human spirit is capable of surmounting unimaginable challenges, and that if anything, living through a near-death situation can make life that much more precious and cherished.
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Travis Meadows is known by “Rolling Stone” magazine as “Nashville’s most badass songwriter.” Whether or not you’re familiar with or even like country music, it is often about love, loss and and human resilience. “Riser,” a song co-written by Travis Meadows and performed by Dierks Bentley, is one of those songs that stays with you long after you listen to it, and you can’t help but wonder about the life behind those words. If you listen closely, you get the sense that Travis’s depth of insight has been forged because of struggle, and that taking the long way has given him something rare and irreplaceable. Dealing with cancer at fourteen, growing up with an absent father, and wrestling with addiction are only a few of the mile-markers on his life’s journey. Today you will hear how Travis discovered how to make peace with his past and how he learned that you can’t truly appreciate light without the darkness. Travis teaches us to aim for authenticity rather than accolades, and to accept what we cannot control. He has written songs for country artists such as Eric Church, Jake Owen, Leann Womack, and Wynonna Judd to name a few, making his unique artistry unmistakable. As Travis agrees and I believe…nothing meaningful ever comes easy. Travis has had to fight for his voice, and in the process of doing so, discovered the “Riser” inside of him.
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Mark Schulman is here to teach us that we can all overcome stage fright if we follow what he calls the Three C’s. He has played drums with some of the most famed musicians of our time. From Tina Turner to Cher, to Stevie Nicks, Billy Idol to Beyonce, and three world tours with Pink you might get the sense that he’s just warming up. Before he was voted one of the “Top 3 Pop-Rock Drummers” in the 2014 Modern Drummer Reader’s Poll, he learned what it would take to get there…putting in the long hours practicing his craft so he would be ready for opportunity when it came knocking; and, knocking it did. Mark has performed for an estimated one billion people over the course of his 27 year long career, so it might surprise you that he’s had his share of stage fright to overcome and understand from the inside-out. He has learned to harness his fear to be helpful rather than debilitating, and has written about his experience in his new book,
Conquering Life’s Stage Fright. Mark’s story shows us how failure can be disguised as a pivotal moment for growth, if we’re willing to be open to the lesson.
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Aaron Walker was 27 years old when he reached a level of success people dream about. What he wasn’t prepared for was the hollow feeling that came with it. His message today is get your priorities straight…and, by all means pay it forward. While he could have settled into an early retirement and what some people consider the “comfortable life he didn’t. Intuitively, he knew there was more out there for him. When you fear missing an opportunity more than failure, success is only a matter of time. Aaron began seeking out others who wanted similar things in life: growth, opportunity, and to “give back” in some way. He also found what he hadn’t had before…mentors who would help him develop his potential. Today, Aaron helps others discover how to build significance into their lives by investing in relationships, not just retirement plans. If you’ve ever doubted whether a successful life can also be a meaningful one, then you’ll want to keep listening; because moving forward in your career and building lasting relationships don’t need to be mutually exclusive. Aaron has a powerful message for anyone spending more energy holding onto regret rather than focusing on what you can control—your future.
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Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis is the first-grade teacher from Sandy Hook who saved her entire first grade class in December 2012. She will carry the memory of that traumatic day forever, but she has found a way to move forward with hope that we can all learn from. Her inspiring outlook reminds us that there will always be tragedy in the world; but she questions and teaches us that is not reason enough to keep the blinds shut forever. This is not to say that for a period of time that is exactly what she did. As the inherent teacher that Kaitlin is…she instructs us that we, too, have the ability to choose to let the light in. Kaitlin saved her class that day in 2012 with her quick thinking and level headedness and is here today to teach us what it means to choose hope from her new book, “Choosing Hope.”
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Gillian Zoe Segal forged a path where there was no trail and wrote “Getting There,” a book of compiled career advice from some of the most successful voices in business, music, and fashion today. “Getting There” is a book of mentors that unveils the path towards success, and includes interviews with Anderson Cooper, Warren Buffett, Jillian Michaels, and Kathy Ireland just to name a few. Facing closed doors in your life? Gillian faced countless as she was collecting the interviews she needed for her book, but she bravely moved forward with polite persistence. Her example teaches us that when courage fails us, we can gain strength from those who inspire us by remembering that every success story involves struggle. Instead of letting the absence of mentors in her life give her an excuse for self-pity, Gillian focused her creative energy into providing a meaningful resource for countless readers trying to find their own way in pursuit of their dreams.
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Kimberley Chambers, is here to teach us that when we are willing to face our fear, we have the opportunity to discover just how capable we really are. She is a stellar example of how building a reservoir of strength can prepare us for the greatest of life’s challenges and how facing our true edge of fear has the capacity to bring us closer to accomplishing more than we ever dreamed possible. When the odds are stacked against us, it rarely feels like an opportunity and yet research has proven that it’s in life’s biggest challenges that we have the opportunity to develop adaptability and resilience.
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Dr. Michaela Haas has written an important book, “Bouncing Forward.” Most of us are familiar with PTSD, but post traumatic growth may be a new concept altogether. The idea of post traumatic growth suggests that we’ll grow after a trauma…all you have to do is experience one for that to be questionable at least while it’s occurring. The fact is that research is proving that there is growth especially and even after trauma. And, trauma comes in many iterations. We have probably all experienced trauma in one form or another: from losing a loved one to being in a car crash. Dr. Michaela Haas has not only researched post-traumatic growth…she has also experienced it first hand. She has consolidated twelve stories of resilience, growth and wisdom in her recently released book, Bouncing Forward and she is here during this episode to share much of what she has learned. Dr. Haas proposes a different way to look at crisis; that while there is undoubtedly immense pain, there is also potential breakthrough and a silver lining.
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John Bradshaw is a best-selling author and esteemed therapist who tackles the complicated emotion of shame in his extensive work. He has written numerous NY Times best sellers and recently wrote a book called Post Romantic Stress Disorder. He has an impressive list of roles that include counselor, management consultant, theologian, philosopher, public speaker, and Senior Fellow with the Meadows Treatment Group. I believe that one of the reasons why John’s voice is so influential is because he practices what he preaches. He is vulnerable with his own struggles in life, and is generous with sharing his experiences and the valuable wisdom he’s gained over the many years he has been practicing and writing. I hope you will join us for this episode. He is a very special guest.
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Geni Whitehouse has gumption. She was honest enough with herself to realize that she just was not passionate enough about a career she had spent many years working at and becoming successful at. If you have ever wondered what it takes to have the courage to leave a career that just “does not do it for you” then this is the episode for you. Tune in to find out how Geni discovered a part of herself while honoring her late father’s life and grieving his death. Our losses, illnesses and most often our challenges can be great teachers if we are willing to listen.
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Dr. Joseph Bobrow is an Author, Psychoanalyst, Zen Master and founder of the Coming Home Project. He falls into the category of people that I am most interested in: the people who never give up and the amazing things they accomplish because of it. We all have choices in life. We can choose to complain, remain steeped in frustration about one thing or another or we can choose to do something about it. Joe Bobrow is one of those people who fall into the latter category. He was frustrated about the lack of services for returning Vets in the Iraq and Afghanistan war when he decided to “do something.” He knows all too well how war touches all of our lives but more particularly what happens when we are complacent. No matter what issue you might be facing…Joe is one of the guys to emulate.
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Dr. Gay Hendricks has written several best selling books, and been interviewed by many well known names. We can spend a great deal of energy trying to outrun our fear(s), no matter what they are. But what if there’s a different remedy for diminishing the power of fear in our lives? Dr. Gay Hendricks, is a strong proponent for speaking openly and honestly about the fear we wrestle with because acknowledging our fear is often half the battle. Not only is he a former professor of Counseling Psychology, but he and his wife Katie have been dubbed “Masters in the Art of Intimacy”. From an appearance on Oprah to hosting seminars around the world, he is a prominent voice in the realm of relationships, fear and finding our “zone of genius,” and he is here with us today to share some of his wisdom.
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Bradley Charbonneau began writing again after ten years with a thirty day challenge. A thousand days later and two published books he feels like he’s just getting warmed up. I believe that we can all be adept at ignoring our inner voice…which generally speaking will point us in the direction of what we feel passionate about. We listen while we’re younger…it’s harder when responsibilities begin to weigh us down. While we all can’t quit our day jobs to chase our creative muses, what we can do is set aside even just a few moments from our day to honor what we feel passionate about. That is exactly what my guest today, Bradley Charbonneau, did. After receiving John Muldoon’s “Monthly Experiments” Challenge, Bradley revisited his love for writing and faced his fear square in the eye and with his pen. Bradley had been published before, but ten years and two children later made it seem like a very far-off place to find his way back to. When demands of family had set in, he gave himself the ultimatum to find a “real job” to pay the bills. But the whisper of passion is relentless, and I can’t wait for you to hear how Bradley found his way back to writing, and how a simple 30-day challenge truly took on a life of its own.
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John Muldoon is a catalyst for change. He founded “The Monthly Experiments Project” in hopes to not only challenge himself but to help motivate others. John believes that “when you treat life as an experiment change becomes fun instead of hard.” We hope you will join us and take part in the experiment. P.S. Jaime Tardy from the Eventual Millionaire thinks John is awesome and we just think you might, too.
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Bryan Kramer is a social strategist, CEO of PureMatter, Ted Talk speaker, and best-selling author. He has valuable insight on how to interact in the realm of technology and communication while also calling upon the tools of basic human interpersonal values for a compass. He reminds us that our digital identities don’t have to be cut off from our true selves. So please put down your phone for just a little while to listen, and then pick it up again afterwards– hopefully, with new intention.
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Admiral Michelle Howard exhibits grace, strength, and clear-mindedness under extreme pressure. In order to become that kind of unwavering force amidst the unpredictable winds and waters of life, we must begin to practice those “deep breaths” that she has perfected. Admiral Michelle Howard, the current Vice Chief of Naval Operations, is highly esteemed and decorated in a field that involves an exceptional amount of risk and pressure. In addition to being the first African-American woman to command a ship in the U.S. Navy, Admiral Howard is well known for her role in leading the international task force responsible for rescuing Captain Phillips from Somali pirates. She is a true trailblazer who exhibits courage, steadfastness, and a clear mind. Admiral Howard is also the first female ever promoted to the rank of four-star admiral in the Navy’s 236-year history. My hope is that as we listen to her, we too will feel emboldened to face unique pressures in our own lives, dare to dream beyond the limits of the status quo, and see that her grace under pressure can serve as a beacon to all of us.
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Jennifer Haselberger is one of the few female Canon lawyers and one of the first to practice in the USA. As a female, and the Chancellor of Canonical Affairs working in the Catholic Church had it’s challenges. As such, she became an unlikely advocate for survivors of sexual abuse within the Catholic church. Up until 2013, she served as Chancellor for Canonical Affairs to the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, where she refused to turn a blind eye about sex abuse or any other vulnerable people who were not being ministered to. Jennifer’s devotion to justice inspires us as she has been willing to speak up and pursue justice when no one else would. I hope you will join us for an important story.
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Margaret Smith was voted the best Female Comic by the American Comedy Awards and won six Emmy’s for her writing on the Ellen DeGeneres show. She has navigated the ever-changing and unpredictable world of entertainment and Hollywood with a hard-earned groundedness. She also happens to be a dear friend whose wisdom is only paralleled by her humor–as you will note with the multiple fits of laughter throughout our interview. I hope you will find the wisdom she has to offer along with some really good humor.
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Professor Sophie Scott is a Cognitive Neuroscientist who became one of the first researchers to study the science of laughter. On her way to understanding laughter she actually did a stint as a stand up comic and discovered even more. What is it like to create a science or anything of value where there was nothing before? If you have ever wanted to do anything and worried what people might think this is the episode for you.
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Elena Dunkle dealt with a serious eating disorder in the years after she was raped at Age 13. She recounts her process of coming to terms with the pain she was left to deal with in her memoir Elena Vanishing and here with us in this episode. If you or anyone you know is dealing with an eating disorder we hope you will tune in today. Elena is transparent about her long road towards healing and health; and is an important voice and hopefully a beacon for those dealing with the an eating disorder, as well as for families and friends who don’t quite know what to do. Whether or not you have experienced an eating disorder yourself, or someone close to you has–I know you will be inspired by not only Elena’s resilience, but also the resilience of her family, who rallied around her during some very dark years. The numbers in this epidemic are staggering and it is more than likely you already know or love someone who may be suffering. Elena’s words will likely help.
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Candace Lightner is the Founder of Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and We Save Lives. She became an unintended advocate when her 13 year old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. She later founded We Save Lives to further educate and influence the public about (the 3D’s) Drunk, Drugged, and Distracted driving. If you want to understand what it takes to overcome obstacles then Candace Lightner is the episode for you.
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Julian Treasure created one of the most popular Ted Talks entitled, “How To Speak So That People Will Listen.” Today, we have a conversation about Julian’s idea of consciousness, awareness, mindfulness, and the idea of being present. Our communication with one another can often be like ships passing in the night–we come and go without taking the time to truly understand what is really going on beneath the surface of the words we exchange, or the way we receive them. Julian has built a career around how words and sounds affect us. He has managed to “see” our words and sounds, and talks about them in a way that helps us to better hear one another…say what we actually mean… and mean what we say. In Julian Treasure’s 5 viral TED Talks and his book “Sound Business”, he encourages us to be “conscious listeners”: infusing deeper intention into the words we speak. I hope you will “listen in” today.
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Jessamyn Lovell had her identity stolen in a matter of minutes. What is unique about her is that she managed to turn her experiences into a creative art project that not only brought her acclaim and publicity, but also lessons that have turned into wisdom that she is now sharing with others. In 2010 Jessamyn turned her back on her wallet for a matter of moments. Her life would ultimately change in ways she could not have foreseen or wanted to imagine. What she would later come to realize and appreciate is that her life was also about to change in positive ways she could not have imagined. We hope you will join us for the lessons learned and ultimately the creativity and wisdom gained for this life experience of hers. Jessamyn’s experiences show us how to find the silver lining in our own lives or at least consider the possibilities.
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Michael Stallard’s journey and wisdom comes from realizing how important human connection is and how that translates not only to our intimate relationships but with our business ones, too. Good and respectful collegial relationships make for happy employees and relationships in general. Mike has become a leading authority on leadership, employee engagement, and organizational culture. He is the cofounder, president, and CEO of E Pluribus Partners, a consulting firm that specializes in helping leaders create connection cultures to form strong bonds within organizations. He is the author of Connection Culture: The Competitive Advantage of Shared Identity, Empathy, and Understanding at Work and a book called Fired Up or Burned Out. He has also been a contributor to several other books and been featured in many publications worldwide, including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Fortune magazine to name a few and now he is here with us.
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Lee Milteer believes that at some point in our lives we have to get clear of what our purpose is and why we are here. Even if you have figured that much out you still might not feel you have found your sweet spot. She is here to help do just that. Her most recent book, “Reclaim the Magic” is a part of those answers. If you want to “manifest” what you want in life then this is the episode for you. She tells us about what may have held her back in life and how she refused to allow anyone or anything to do just that. If you want to figure out a way to do the same or hear a really good talk I hope you will tune in. Lee has plenty of helpful hints not only from this book but from some of her others that are sure to inspire you.
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Ash Beckham is a speaker whose “speeches are dynamic, intrepid, highly relatable and intrinsically comical.” “She didn’t set out to become a viral sensation with her Tedx talk Coming Out of Your Closet or her Boulder Ignite speech, I am SO GAY.” “She was just a person with a lot on her mind and a story to share.” Nonetheless, “her willingness to strike a conversation about tough topics has inspired more than 8 million viewers.” Her message is simple: “we aren’t that different,” and her goal is humble, “help others recognize the power of empathy, respect and conversation.” Ash is someone who will earn your respect. She has mine.
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Peter Larson is a commercial paleontologist who uncovered the most complete specimen of Tyrannosaurus Rex to date. He affectionately named this massive fossil “Sue” after the woman who initially found her. He was eventually charged and taken to court by the US Government for illegally removing fossils off of Federal Land even though he had paid the landowner before he removed anything. It would take him a long time to resolve this and more, and he ultimately served several years in prison as a result. Peter is a man who believes that giving up is not an option for him. He believes that fighting for what you believe, and keep on keeping on is the right path in life. If you are facing any life circumstance where you are considering giving up or giving in we hope you will listen to this episode first. Peter is currently hoping for a pardon from President Obama before he leaves office. We wish him that and more and believe that you will too once you listen to his story.
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Jamie Cohan is the entrepreneur behind phenomenal Internet successes like Andromedia and Round1 who discusses not only how he got there but how you, too can a build career you can be proud of while keeping perspective amidst the twists and turns they often take. The overnight successes of entrepreneurs are often fifteen years in the making and Jamie will be the first person to tell you that you need to keep going.
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Marilyn Tam, PhD believes that happiness is something we choose. She is the author of “The Happiness Choice” that features experts who discuss how to live a happy, healthy, successful and dynamically balanced life. She is a speaker; author; consultant; board- certified executive, corporate, and leadership coach; and the founder and executive director of the Us Foundation. She is the former CEO of Aveda Corporation, president of Reebok Apparel and Retail Group, and vice president of Nike Inc., and a very successful entrepreneur, who has developed and successfully run four companies of her own.
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John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of Entrepreneur On Fire, a top ranked iTunes business Podcast. After chasing fame and fortune and coming up short each time he finally figured out that providing value is the key to success. He is here to share his ah ha moments, thinking, and keys to success that have enabled him to amass a small fortune. I hope you will join us.
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Dorie Clark is an author (Stand Out, and Reinventing You), speaker, professor, award-winning journalist, and one of twenty-five professional networking experts chosen by Forbes Magazine to watch in 2015. She discovered that “Standing Out” requires a three step process that she shares with us in this interview. For instance, the first step is to build your network. Next, build your audience, and third, build your community, and I’ll tell you what I mean by those things.
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Judy Robinett is an author, speaker, consultant, CEO, and pundit who is focused on strategic planning, financial and product development, marketing, and distribution for startups and established enterprises. She has taken some of these experiences and turned them into a five-star book entitled How to Be a Power Connector: The 5+50+100 Rule. Robinett is a business thought leader who is known as the woman with the titanium digital Rolodex. She has been profiled in Forbes, Inc., the Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, the Washington Post, the Huffington Post, and Bloomberg Businessweek as a sterling example of the new breed of super connectors who use their experience and networks to accelerate growth and enhance profitability.
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Alicia Watkins is a retired Air Force staff sergeant and survivor of the 9/11 terrorist attacks at the Pentagon who deployed to both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and now battles traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and post traumatic stress. Alicia was the principal guest on the twenty-fifth final season of The Oprah Winfrey Show in the episode “American War Heroes: Why Are These Women Homeless?” She now proudly serves as an ambassador for veterans, traveling the world to speak on behalf of the needs of wounded warriors, female veterans, and homeless veterans.
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Bonnie Bruckheimer began her cinematic career at Columbia Pictures and became known as one of Hollywood’s most successful producers. In 1985 she formed All Girl Productions, with partner Bette Midler, and made her debut as a film producer on Beaches. She is known for her work on Big Business, Hocus Pocus, Beaches, and Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, to name a few. She has worked with some of the best in Hollywood and has been nominated for two Emmys.
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Peter S. Cohan is a millionaire with poet’s heart. He has very insightful ideas and is the kind of person who continues to question things. For instance, he questions how money and the pursuit of money can be a futile kind of activity and that success may just be controlling how we spend our time.
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Dr. Jill Suttie is a writer, researcher, and book review editor for the Greater Good Science Center. She writes about research on psychological and social wellbeing–in particular, research on altruism, compassion, resilience, happiness, awe and empathy. In this episode we discuss her articles about the latest findings by neuroscientists and researchers that are “discovering how music affects the brain, helping us to make sense of it’s real emotional and social power.”
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William D. Cohan does not take anything at face value. If you have ever wondered what happens behind the scenes on Wall Street or in major Universities then you will want to listen to his interview. Heis a business writer with a solid pedigree, and a former high-level investment banker on Wall Street who has written four New York Times best-selling nonfiction narratives about Wall Street.
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Vanessa Van Edwards believes that the primary purpose of her business is to help people. She runs an organization called the Science of People. Their organization takes all of the latest research that has come out of academic institutions and peer-reviewed journals and turns it into applicable tips. She calls it “science-based self-help.”
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Jordan Harbinger is a lawyer-turned-social-dynamics expert who is the owner and cofounder of the Art of Charm, which is a dating and relationships coaching company. He is also the co-host of the lifestyle and entrepreneur podcast called The Art of Charm and the co-host of Game On, a Sirius XM Satellite Radio talk show devoted to the art of meeting and attracting women. Jordan is one of the most sought-after relationship coaches and social-dynamics experts and we have him here for you today for a lively and fun discussion that is filled with information you can use.
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Have you ever seen someone dance like a warrior and you could not take your eyes off of them? Dr. Ananda Shankar Jayant is such a woman. This woman is also someone you may not be able to “take your ears” off of. She is poignant and noted as one of the five Greatest Ted Talks by Indians “You Need to See” according to the Huffington Post, and, may I add, she is listed as number one.
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Monty Roberts is known as the man who listens to horses. He has led an extraordinary life as an internationally recognized, award-winning trainer and rider of championship horses. In 1948 at the age of thirteen he discovered a way that horses communicate to one another. He became convinced that what he saw that day would change how people treated, trained and communicated with horses.
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Monty Roberts was not only curious about horses. When he studied at Cal Poly (almost sixty years ago) he was not only interested in animal behavior, he was interested in understanding the brain and why we do the things we do. An advisor of his set him on a course he would ultimately return to and receive countless awards for. Monty began working as a first responder with Veterans who had returned from war but eventually left that job because he could not stand what “these kids were going through.” However, before he left he had already taken some of the “chosen” ones down to his farm because he believed even back then that animals could teach human beings something. Please join us to hear what Monty was taught and what he has to teach us as a result. Please do not be fooled by thinking Monty is a one trick pony. What he has to offer benefits everyone.
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Kare Anderson believes that in a world that is increasingly more connected and complex both good and bad can hit faster from more people and more places because of tech. She thinks that our most noble mission is to stay sought after and have a life of meaning. Please come along with me and meet a truly remarkable woman who believes in mutuality and finding the best way of living life.
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Margaret Heffernan is an entrepreneur, the CEO’s CEO, prolific author, and TED talk alumnus. She and I discuss what it takes to stand up, speak up and wake up and two of her noteworthy books, Willful Blindness and A Bigger Prize. She has rightfully been named one of the internet’s top 100 by Silicon Valley Reporter, one of the top 25 by Streaming Media Magazine and one of the top 100 media executives by the Hollywood Reporter. I guarantee that Margaret Heffernan will Challenge Your Thinking.
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John Corcoran has worked in Hollywood, the Clinton White House, and as a speechwriter for the Governor of California. What he’s really good at is making and keeping relationships that produce dividends. He believes that giving to others brings him and anyone who is willing to follow his lead more than they ever dreamed possible. Tune in to hear how John practices what he teaches. You can also find him at the Smart Business Revolution website and podcast.
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Reverend Debra Jarvis uses humor to heal. She had me laughing out loud, and I’m pretty sure you will, too. Hopefully, she will have you thinking as well. Fired from her job, diagnosed with breast cancer, she still knew that she did not want to be introduced to other cancer survivors as just that. She believes that cancer is something you survive, not become identified with.
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Dr. Sue Johnson is the best selling author, relationship icon, and researcher who is the creator of Emotionally Focused Therapy. She has basically changed the face of couples therapy and has the research to prove it. This two part series will take you behind the scenes to get a real sense of who she is and where she comes from. She is down to earth, interesting, self revealing, funny and smart as a whip. Part 1 features her life story and how she came to “become” the Dr. Sue Johnson so many love and revere. Part 2 is about what couples can learn and hope to take away from her books and couples workshops.
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Dr. Sue Johnson is the best selling author, relationship icon, and researcher who is the creator of Emotionally Focused Therapy. She has basically changed the face of couples therapy and has the research to prove it. This two part series will take you behind the scenes to get a real sense of who she is and where she comes from. She is down to earth, interesting, self revealing, funny and smart as a whip. Part 1 features her life story and how she came to “become” the Dr. Sue Johnson so many love and revere. Part 2 is about what couples can learn and hope to take away from her books and couples workshops.
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Cliff Ravenscraft believes that if you pursue your passion the money will follow. He experienced a lot of personal pressure to take over the family business and pursue the ministry as his calling. The problem was that did not turn out to be his true calling. If you were to look at the Top 100 Business Podcasts on iTunes chances are more than half of them have consulted with or been trained by Cliff. Tune in and find out how he managed to find and pursue his passion and how he might help you to do the same.
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Unstoppable people are driven by a purpose. They are energized by passion. They are empowered by a belief system. They are equipped by preparation. They are strengthened by a team. They are renewed through creativity and creatively solving problems and they are rewarded by perseverance. This interview with Cynthia Kersey will show you how following her seven steps of getting a purpose and finding a way to express that in the world even when you have never done it before is still possible. Believe…
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Gabriel Angelo MasterBlaster G is a fifteen year old San Francisco Street Artist and Icon. If you think a 15 year old has nothing of value to say or teach you then you are disagreeing with Ellen Degeneres . At the age of six Gabriel fell in love with a shiny brass trumpet that he has never stopped practicing or performing with. This is a young man who has been and is going places.
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In 2001 Kim Krompass became an overnight multi millionaire. By 2008 she was losing it all and everyone else’s, too. What is life like having that kind of wealth and what becomes of a money manager/financial trader who loses it all and then some?
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Dr. John McDougall is a thought leader. He has been challenging people’s thinking since 1970. He discovered something amazing about people’s health while he was a Hawaiian plantation doctor that long ago. He has been putting it to use in his practice and has the research to prove it.
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Jim Palmer is an entrepreneur with a message. His latest book entitled, “Stop Waiting For It To Get Easier” is a good summary for what he has come to believe.
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Maysoon Zayid repeated it twice in our interview, “Just try it,” Just try it,” and try it she has. If Maysoon finds a door in her life she metaphorically kicks out a window and knows how to get herself through it. While she doesn’t want to be anyone’s inspiration she feels happy for anyone who is able to accomplish anything because of something she may have said.
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When you think of bikers you might think of gangs, thugs, and tattoos. John Paul Lilly has changed all of that. He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who is also known as the Chief. In 1995 he founded an organization known as Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA). They put that reputation for toughness to work but only in the service of the greater good.
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