Judy Robinett is an author, speaker, consultant, CEO, and pundit who is focused on strategic planning, financial and product development, marketing, and distribution for startups and established enterprises. She has taken some of these experiences and turned them into a five-star book entitled How to Be a Power Connector: The 5+50+100 Rule. Robinett is a business thought leader who is known as the woman with the titanium digital Rolodex. She has been profiled in Forbes, Inc., the Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, the Washington Post, the Huffington Post, and Bloomberg Businessweek as a sterling example of the new breed of super connectors who use their experience and networks to accelerate growth and enhance profitability.
Judy’s work is about empowering individuals. She encourages us to be strategic, to gather our courage and to engage in the networks that surround us. Judy shares her heart with us in this interview telling us that if she can learn to do this anyone can. She was painfully shy growing up and will be the first one to tell you that putting herself out there didn’t come naturally. In other words, if Judy can do this you can, too. Judy’s story demonstrates how hardship and insecurity can be fertile soil for strength, grit, and determination to bloom–if you’re willing to do the work. Often our places of vulnerability and struggle go on to become our most powerful points of connection with others. Tune in to this interview and see how.