What does it mean to find balance in the midst of a busy life? Is it even possible? If those questions have ever crossed your mind, then Erin Loechner’s message is for you. Erin has experienced firsthand the demands and stress of the rat race, and eventually found herself at a crossroads. After spending a few years in Los Angeles, CA building a career in design, Erin and her husband decided to move to Indiana for a different pace of life–one with wide open space to chase slow and balance.
In her new book “Chasing Slow,” Erin describes her journey in learning to savor the life she’s been given rather than hanging on by a thread. And, before you think she’s suggesting that you leave it all behind for a life on the homestead, she’ll be the first to tell you that “chasing slow” has nothing to do with organic cooking or living off the grid. Rather, it’s a mindset with the central mission of making room for what’s most important to us.
We hope you’ll join us to hear how Erin’s story shows us that:
- We all have the choice to not surrender to unhappiness
- Choosing to reject measuring our self-worth by our productivity and achievements opens up a whole way of living
- When we slow down, we hone our ability to become more attentive to the ways we distract ourselves from pain or dissatisfaction
- When we set our hopes on a distant destination or arrival, we miss out on the decision to change our lives in the present
- DesignForMankind.com: Learn more about Erin’s work
- @ErinLoechner: Follow Erin on Twitter
- @ErinLoecher: Follow Erin on Instagram
- @DesignForMankind: Follow Erin on Facebook