Jen Bricker is a an author, aerialist, speaker, and State Champion in power tumbling. She also happens to have been born without legs. After being left in a hospital at three months old, she was adopted into a loving family with the motto, Never Say Can’t. Jen has fought hard for her optimistic approach to life—proving that hope is a choice available to all of us.
While Jen has had many opportunities to give in to what some have seen as her limitations, she simply didn’t settle for anything less than the potential she knew lived inside of her. And in her new memoir, “Everything is Possible,” she explores how her mantra of “ turning life’s challenges upside down” has manifested throughout her journey.
Her story has been featured on 20/20, HBO’s Real Sports, and Good Morning America, and you won’t want to miss hearing about the twists and turns her life has taken…especially how she discovered that her childhood hero, Dominique Moceanu, was her biological sister. We hope you’ll join us to hear how Jen’s story shows us that:
- There’s no magic formula for success—you simply have to dig deep inside yourself and put in the work
- Optimism is a perspective rather than a personality trait
- It’s better to keep moving forward than to just stand still
- Our happiness depends on how hard we’re willing to fight for our joy
Show Notes
- JenBricker.com: Learn more about Jen’s work
- Everything is Possible: Finding the Faith and Courage to Follow Your Dreams: Buy it on Amazon
- @JenBricker1: Follow Jen on Twitter
- @JenBricker: Follow Jen on Instagram