Dr. Linda Tucker
Challenge Your Thinking Gillian Zoe Segal
Gillian Zoe Segal forged a path where there was no trail and wrote “Getting There,” a book of compiled career advice from some of the most successful voices in business, music, and fashion today. “Getting There” is a book of mentors that unveils the path towards success, and includes interviews with Anderson Cooper, Warren Buffett, Jillian Michaels, and Kathy Ireland just to name a few. Facing closed doors in your life? Gillian faced countless as she was collecting the interviews she needed for her book, but she bravely moved forward with polite persistence. Her example teaches us that when courage fails us, we can gain strength from those who inspire us by remembering that every success story involves struggle. Instead of letting the absence of mentors in her life give her an excuse for self-pity, Gillian focused her creative energy into providing a meaningful resource for countless readers trying to find their own way in pursuit of their dreams. We hope you will join us for this week’s episode to hear how Gillian’s story teaches us that:
- Failure is simply a right of passage, and polite persistence is key.
- If we try hard enough, we will undoubtedly experience disappointment and resistance. What truly defines us is how we move forward when we face those difficulties.
- Roadblocks can be a springboard for creativity. If you let the first sign of opposition stop you, then you might never know what could have been possible.
- Remembering the courage of others who have faced challenges can give you the strength you need to keep going.
Show Notes
- Getting There: Read Gillian’s amazing book of mentors for yourself
- Gillian Zoe Segal on Twitter: Keep updated on Gillian’s creative projects