Admiral Michelle Howard exhibits grace, strength, and clear-mindedness under extreme pressure. In order to become that kind of unwavering force amidst the unpredictable winds and waters of life, we must begin to practice those “deep breaths” that she has perfected. Admiral Michelle Howard, the current Vice Chief of Naval Operations, is highly esteemed and decorated in a field that involves an exceptional amount of risk and pressure. In addition to being the first African-American woman to command a ship in the U.S. Navy, Admiral Howard is well known for her role in leading the international task force responsible for rescuing Captain Phillips from Somali pirates. She is a true trailblazer who exhibits courage, steadfastness, and a clear mind. Admiral Howard is also the first female ever promoted to the rank of four-star admiral in the Navy’s 236-year history. My hope is that as we listen to her, we too will feel emboldened to face unique pressures in our own lives, dare to dream beyond the limits of the status quo, and see that her grace under pressure can serve as a beacon to all of us.