Caroline Paul, author of the New York Times bestseller The Gutsy Girl, is here to reclaim bravery as a trait available for both sexes, not just reserved for males alone. She has found that from a very early age children are conditioned by culture to believe that fear is female, and bravery is for boys. Caroline’s message is that it doesn’t have to be that way.
With an impressive trove of adventure stories of her own–from climbing the Golden Gate bridge to becoming one of the first female firefighters in San Francisco–Caroline lives the courage and adventure she teaches.
Whether you’re a parent of girls, or are simply curious about living a more adventurous story yourself, you will not want to miss this interview. In this episode of CYT, we discover that courage is learning to move through fear to the other side. And while fear will always be part of our lives, courage is always ours for the taking. We hope you’ll join us to hear how Caroline’s story shows us that:
- Choosing bravery over fear is a moment-by-moment choice, rather than a character trait
- Too often we react to the loudest impulse inside of us at any given moment, while paying no mind to the reality that we have a say in how we respond
- By acknowledging our fear rather than repressing it, we can dismantle its power
- Fear is often not as applicable as we might think, and giving girls the option of bravery encourages them to dream beyond their comfort zone
Show Notes
- The Gutsy Girl: Escapades for Your Life of Epic Adventure Buy the book on Amazon
- TheGutsyGirl.org: Learn more about Caroline’s work
- @TheGutsyGirl: Follow Caroline on Twitter