Trina Laughlin is a clinical social worker who has specialized in trauma therapy for over twenty years; helping others find their way out of the darkness of loss. Trauma is not something she has studied from afar–she has lived it, too. Back in 2007, two days before Christmas, her twenty-two year-old son died in a car crash.
Life can change in an instant, and nothing can prepare us for unexpected loss and tragedy. Trina is a person who walks the walk not just talks the talk. When it feels like your world has collapsed, it takes tremendous courage to get out of bed in the morning and that is exactly what Trina did. In order to process and cope with her loss, she began writing about her many layers of her pain, the unspeakable emotion of it all–and her writing eventually became a book titled Season of the Fallen Sun.
Trina reminds us that there is hope beyond even the most excruciating emotional pain, and that we need other people to help put us back together again when our lives feel as if they’ve been shattered. If you have felt disoriented or paralyzed by unexpected tragedy, or are close to someone who has, then this is an interview you do not want to miss. We hope you’ll join us to hear how Trina’s story shows us that:
- When we try to shut off or shut down our pain, we end up closing off our capacity to experience joy as well.
- Pain and loss have the ability to unlock a deeper, more expansive capacity within us.
- When we allow ourselves to grieve fully, we become not only more empathic people, but more loving as well.
Show Notes
- TrinaMLaughlin.com: Learn more about Trina’s work
- Season of the Fallen Sun: Buy it on Amazon