Dr. Gay Hendricks is a prominent voice in the realm of relationships, fear and finding our “zone of genius,” and he is here with us today to share some of his wisdom.
He has appeared on Oprah and hosts seminars around the world. He is he a former professor of Counseling Psychology and he and his wife Katie have been dubbed “Masters in the Art of Intimacy.”
We can spend a great deal of energy trying to outrun our fear(s), no matter what they are. But what if there’s a different remedy for diminishing the power of fear in our lives? Dr. Hendricks is a strong proponent for speaking openly and honestly about the fear we wrestle with because acknowledging our fear is often half the battle.
Show Notes
- The Hendricks Institute: Conscious Loving + Body Intelligence
- Gay & Kathlyn Henddricks books: Purchase now on Amazon
- Dr. Gay Hendricks on Facebook: Hearts in Harmony
- Dr. Gay Hendricks on Twitter: connect directly with Dr. Hendricks