Silver Lining – Jessamyn Lovell

Posted By admin on Aug 3, 2015 |

Jessamyn Lovell

Jessamyn Lovell had her identity stolen in a matter of minutes. What is unique about her is that she managed to turn her experiences into a creative art project that not only brought her acclaim and publicity, but also lessons that have turned into wisdom that she is now sharing with others. In 2010 Jessamyn turned her back on her wallet for a matter of moments. Her life would ultimately change in ways she could not have foreseen or wanted to imagine. What she would later come to realize and appreciate is that her life was also about to change in positive ways she could not have imagined. We hope you will join us for the lessons learned and ultimately the creativity and wisdom gained for this life experience of hers. Jessamyn’s experiences show us how to find the silver lining in our own lives or at least consider the possibilities.