Bradley Charbonneau began writing again after ten years with a thirty day challenge. A thousand days later and two published books he feels like he’s just getting warmed up. I believe that we can all be adept at ignoring our inner voice…which generally speaking will point us in the direction of what we feel passionate about. We listen while we’re younger…it’s harder when responsibilities begin to weigh us down. While we all can’t quit our day jobs to chase our creative muses, what we can do is set aside even just a few moments from our day to honor what we feel passionate about. That is exactly what my guest today, Bradley Charbonneau, did. After receiving John Muldoon’s “Monthly Experiments” Challenge, Bradley revisited his love for writing and faced his fear square in the eye and with his pen. Bradley had been published before, but ten years and two children later made it seem like a very far-off place to find his way back to. When demands of family had set in, he gave himself the ultimatum to find a “real job” to pay the bills. But the whisper of passion is relentless, and I can’t wait for you to hear how Bradley found his way back to writing, and how a simple 30-day challenge truly took on a life of its own.
Show Notes
- Repossible: Is possibility just perspective?
- Repossible’s Facebook Page: Like, Learn, Join, Share
- Bradley Charbonneau on Twitter: connect directly with Bradley
- The First 1,000 Days: We all start at the same place: the beginning.